LYMIA Brand Warranty

We are proud to offer top tier products and stand behind their workmanship. However, defects can happen and we want to make sure you are taken care of! We recommend inspecting your bag immediately after opening and contacting us within the first 1-2 business days after your package is delivered, so that we can handle any manufacturer defects expediently.

Subject to applicable conditions and exclusions, LYMIA BRAND bags are protected from the original date of purchase by an 18 month limited warranty (proof of purchase required). Our first goal is to repair any damage to your bag. We will pay shipping for you to return the bag to have it repaired, and we will also pay shipping to return your bag to you. If the bag cannot be repaired, customer support will email you to discuss whether you would like to have your own bag returned to you, or if you would like us to replace the bag with the same or comparable product.

If a customer chooses to have the bag returned as is, we will pay shipping to return it. If the customer chooses to have the product repaired on his or her own, the customer is responsible for those repairs. Customer assumes responsibility for any damage done to the bag by having it repaired by somewhere other than our designated repair center.
If customer chooses to have a replacement sent, the original bag will not be returned. We will cover shipping for the replacement bag.

Warranty is transferable to a new owner as long as it is still in the 18 month window. New owner must provide the original purchaser and order number in order to claim this warranty. If you purchase a LYMIA BRAND bag used, ask the original owner for this information at the time of purchase.

All warranty claims are subject to inspection. We will review returned bags to ensure that the claim does fall under our manufacturer defect warranty. If the claim does not fall under our warranty, the bag will be sent back to the customer at the customer's expense. To avoid this, we welcome you to send pictures of your bag to allow our friendly support staff help you determine if the issue is covered.

To begin a warranty claim, please email to initiate a warranty claim. Our kind support staff will help you get started and will walk you through the process. Although we aim to always be prompt, please allow 2-3 business days for a response.